Nov 30, 2020 | Jobs

Into your future with self-moti­vation and a clear focus on results

Orano NCS GmbH is a spe­cia­lized service pro­vider in the nuclear trans­por­tation business and a sub­si­diary of the French Orano Group. We work on the planning and management of ship­ments for the nuclear industry, the storage of radio­active mate­rials at the company site and deve­loping com­ponents and con­tainers for the trans­por­tation and storage of such materials.

A strong team and a long term com­mitment allow inde­pendent working and per­sonal further development.

Inno­vative energy, pro­gress and com­pe­tence and the wil­lingness to work at all levels lead to a high level of reco­gnition worldwide.

For the long-term streng­thening and expansion of our “Radiation Pro­tection / Dan­gerous Goods Department” we are seeking a Project Engineer, Radiation Pro­tection and Dan­gerous Goods (m/f/o)

Your tasks and responsibilities

  • Project management in the fields of radiation pro­tection, dis­posal, dan­gerous goods and transportation
  • Sche­duling and deadline management
  • Review and con­ception of tech­nical planning documents
  • Holding tech­nical dis­cus­sions with experts and repre­sen­ta­tives of aut­ho­rities in various countries
  • Reporting and documentation
  • Creation and review of con­cepts for storage at the Hanau site
  • Pro­ducing ins­truc­tions for radiation pro­tection and for the trans­por­tation of radio­active materials
  • Super­vising the warehouses within the scope of storage licenses; pre­paring and con­ducting official inspections
  • Handling mea­su­rement systems
  • Car­rying out the tasks of the Deputy Radiation Pro­tection Officer, the Deputy Hazard Inci­dents Officer in accordance with the Federal Emission Control Act (BImSchV) and the Deputy Dan­gerous Goods Officer
  • Working in third party installations
  • Control of nuclear mate­rials (EURATOM, IAEA)
  • App­lying for nuclear and dan­gerous goods trans­por­tation permits at home and abroad
  • Holding training courses / brie­fings in the radiation pro­tection, nuclear law and dan­gerous goods law fields
  • Repre­senting Orano NCS at national and inter­na­tional radiation pro­tection events and congresses

Your Profile

  • You have suc­cessfully com­pleted your studies to qualify as an engineer in the fields of radiation pro­tection, nuclear tech­nology, envi­ron­mental tech­nology or a com­pa­rable specialisation
  • You have a good know­ledge of nuclear, radiation pro­tection, dan­gerous goods and Federal Emission Pro­tection law
  • You have already gained expe­rience as a Radiation Pro­tection, Dan­gerous Goods or Hazardous Inci­dents Officer
  • You have a good know­ledge of spoken and written English; a know­ledge of French is desi­rable but not abso­lutely necessary
  • You are con­fident in the use of common MS Office pro­grammes: Word, Excel, Power­Point, Outlook
  • You have a talent for orga­nization and work in a very careful and struc­tured manner
  • Relia­bility, fle­xi­bility, taking care and a precise method of working are a matter of course for you
  • Your per­sonal profile is rounded off by a pro­no­unced ability to work in a team, com­mu­nicate and resolve con­flicts with internal depart­ments and external entities (cus­tomers, aut­ho­rities and suppliers)

Do these chal­lenges appeal to you? Then please send your infor­mative appli­cation docu­ments, (by e-mail if you wish, to indi­cating your ear­liest pos­sible starting date and your salary wishes::

Orano NCS GmbH
Human Resource Management
Mar­garete-von-Wrangell-Straße 7, D-63457 Hanau
Phone (0 61 81) 5 01 – Ext. 258 or 250