Our customers trust our quality and reliability, whether for the technical development and design of new containers or the safe transportation of radioactive waste or other radioactive materials
A lot of Orano NCS GmbH projects are undertaken in cooperation with our Group member, heavy load haulier Orano NT.
Every single project still fills us with pride even today.
Transportation of an Injector 1 Cyclotron
First part of the shipment from Villigen / Switzerland to the port of Antwerp / Belgium by road.In the period from September 2017 to May 2018, Orano NCS GmbH successfully transported an Injector 1 Cyclotron in three lots from the Paul Scherrer Institute...
Transport of plutonium containing material
Transport of plutonium containing material from IAEA laboratory Seibersdorf/ Austria for EDLOW International Co.
Road and Inland Waterway Transportation of Nuclear Fuel
Erster kombinierter Straßen- und Binnenschiffstransport von Kernbrennstoffen unter der neuen SEWD-Richtlinie Straße/Schiene Um den Rückbau ihres 2005 abgeschalteten Kernkraftwerks Obrigheim (KWO) voranzutreiben, startete die Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (EnBW) –...
Protective packaging SD-20K for transportation
The SD-20K is a protective packaging that has been newly developed at Orano NCS GmbH. for the transportation of Konrad containers that cannot be transported unprotected, into the final repository. The SD-20K has the task of protecting the inventory (the Konrad...
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