Orano NCS
Orano NCS


Our cus­tomers trust our quality and relia­bility, whether for the tech­nical deve­lo­pment and design of new con­tainers or the safe trans­por­tation of radio­active waste or other radio­active materials

A lot of Orano NCS GmbH pro­jects are under­taken in coope­ration with our Group member, heavy load haulier Orano NT.

Every single project still fills us with pride even today.

Trans­por­tation of an Injector 1 Cyclotron

First part of the shipment from Vil­ligen / Switz­erland to the port of Antwerp / Belgium by road.In the period from Sep­tember 2017 to May 2018, Orano NCS GmbH suc­cess­fully trans­ported an Injector 1 Cyclotron in three lots from the Paul Scherrer Institute...

Road and Inland Waterway Trans­por­tation of Nuclear Fuel

Erster kom­bi­nierter Straßen- und Bin­nen­schiffs­transport von Kern­brenn­stoffen unter der neuen SEWD-Richt­linie Straße/Schiene Um den Rückbau ihres 2005 abge­schal­teten Kern­kraft­werks Obrigheim (KWO) vor­an­zu­treiben, startete die Energie Baden-Würt­temberg AG (EnBW) –...

Pro­tective pack­aging SD-20K for transportation

The SD-20K is a pro­tective pack­aging that has been newly deve­loped at Orano NCS GmbH. for the trans­por­tation of Konrad con­tainers that cannot be trans­ported unpro­tected, into the final repo­sitory. The SD-20K has the task of pro­tecting the inventory (the Konrad...

Our Cus­tomers