About Orano NCS GMBH
Orano NCS GmbH Nuclear Fuel Rail Logistics Business Unit (BES) is a leading provider of transportation and logistics services in the nuclear fuel logistics business.
Our focus is on large-scale projects, such as managing secure transportation of spent fuel assemblies from power and research reactors, and returning high and medium-level waste from reprocessing plants to the German interim storage locations (ZL) using a trimodal transportation system.
In addition, the BES includes the management of rail transportation of various uranium products from the uranium enrichment field (U3O8, UF6).
Together with our Group member, heavy load haulier Orano NT, the Nuclear Fuel Rail Logistics Business Unit has done pioneering work with the concepts developed for secure transport movements to the former reprocessing plant and to the German interim storage locations (e.g. HAW transport movements to Gorleben and moving fuel elements from Obrigheim nuclear power station to interim storage at Neckarwestheim). We are still very proud of this today.
Validation and manufacturing of series packagings of the new overpack DN30 for transport of enriched material
Trans-shipping brand new empty type HAW28M casks (loading the vessel) in Nordenham
Trans-shipping brand new empty type HAW28M casks (loading the vessel) in Nordenham
Trans-shipping brand new empty type HAW28M casks (unloading the special railcar) in Nordenham
Combined road and inland waterway transportation of spent fuel assemblies in CASTOR® type 440/84 mvK casks from NPP Obrigheim to the on-site interim storage facility at NPP Neckarwestheim (Loading the LD40 lighter)
Combined road and inland waterway transportation of spent fuel assemblies in CASTOR® type 440/84 mvK casks from NPP Obrigheim to the on-site interim storage facility at the Neckarwestheim nuclear power plant (convoy arriving in Neckarwestheim)
Combined road and inland waterway transportation of spent fuel assemblies in CASTOR® type 440/84 mvK casks from NPP Obrigheim to the on-site interim storage facility at the Neckarwestheim nuclear power plant (Loading the LD40 lighter)
Road transport with HAW vitrified waste canisters in CASTOR® HAW28M (entering interim storage facility in Gorleben)
Final “Special CASTOR train” with HAW vitrified waste canisters in CASTOR® HAW28M casks on the way to the interim storage facility in Gorleben – re-forming the train in Neunkirchen
”Special CASTOR train” with HAW vitrified waste canisters in CASTOR® HAW28M casks on the way to the interim storage facility in Gorleben
Final Special CASTOR train” with HAW vitrified waste canisters in CASTOR® HAW28M casks on the way to the interim storage facility in Gorleben – re-forming the train in Neunkirchen
Transportation of HAW vitrified waste canisters in CASTOR® HAW20/28CG casks from VEK Karlsruhe to EWN interim storage facility (here: switching operations in the ZLN)
Arrival of rail transport of irradiated KNK fuel assemblies in CASTOR® type KNK casks at EWN interim storage facility in Lubmin
Combined transportation of irradiated KNK fuel assemblies in CASTOR KNK casks from CEA Cadarache (F) to EWN interim storage facility in Lubmin
Combined transportation of ANF non-irradiated fuel assemblies in type FCC3 casks from Lingen to NPP Fessenheim (EDF)
With continual processing till today; Validation of NCS 45 cask for transportation of irradiated fuel assemblies and non-fissile radioactive material
Road transportation of vitrified high active waste (HAW) canisters in CASTOR® HAW 20/28CG casks from Dannenberg East to the interim storage facility in Gorleben
Transportation of fuel assembly water channels in MOSAIK 80T casks from NPP Isar to Karlsruhe Research Center (KIT)
Road transportation of EXCELLOX 6 spent fuel assemblies casks from NPP Neckar to the trans-shipment point in Walheim
Longest rail transportation of spent fuel assemblies from 6 nuclear power plants in 16 flasks to the reprocessing plants in La Hague and Sellafield
Electrically-powered “special CASTOR train” with HAW in type CASTOR® HAW 20/28CG casks on the way to the interim storage facility in Gorleben
Rail transportation of TN 13/2 spent fuel casks from Grafenrheinfeld to the COGEMA reprocessing plant
”Special “CASTOR train” with HAW in type CASTOR® HAW 20/28CG casks on the way to the interim storage facility in Gorleben
Preparation of the “CASTOR” HAW special train from France to the interim storage facility in Gorleben
First-time-ever transportation of heavy duty tractor units for onward transportation by road to the interim storage facility in Gorleben, on “Rolling Highway” (ROLA) low-floor railcars
Transportation of heavy duty trailers by special train to Dannenberg Ost for onward transportation by road to interim storage in Gorleben
Transportation of CASTOR IIa spent fuel assembly casks by special train from Philippsburg to Gorleben