Orano NCS
Orano NCS

About Orano NCS GMBH



Orano NCS GmbH Nuclear Fuel Rail Logi­stics Business Unit (BES) is a leading pro­vider of trans­por­tation and logi­stics ser­vices in the nuclear fuel logi­stics business.

Our focus is on large-scale pro­jects, such as managing secure trans­por­tation of spent fuel assem­blies from power and research reactors, and returning high and medium-level waste from repro­cessing plants to the German interim storage loca­tions (ZL) using a tri­modal trans­por­tation system.

In addition, the BES includes the management of rail trans­por­tation of various uranium pro­ducts from the uranium enrichment field (U3O8, UF6).

Tog­ether with our Group member, heavy load haulier Orano NT, the Nuclear Fuel Rail Logi­stics Business Unit has done pio­neering work with the con­cepts deve­loped for secure transport move­ments to the former repro­cessing plant and to the German interim storage loca­tions (e.g. HAW transport move­ments to Gor­leben and moving fuel ele­ments from Obrigheim nuclear power station to interim storage at Neckar­westheim). We are still very proud of this today.



Vali­dation and manu­fac­turing of series pack­a­gings of the new overpack DN30 for transport of enriched material


Trans-shipping brand new empty type HAW28M casks (loading the vessel) in Nordenham


Trans-shipping brand new empty type HAW28M casks (loading the vessel) in Nordenham


Trans-shipping brand new empty type HAW28M casks (unloading the special railcar) in Nordenham


Com­bined road and inland waterway trans­por­tation of spent fuel assem­blies in CASTOR® type 440/84 mvK casks from NPP Obrigheim to the on-site interim storage facility at NPP Neckar­westheim (Loading the LD40 lighter)


Com­bined road and inland waterway trans­por­tation of spent fuel assem­blies in CASTOR® type 440/84 mvK casks from NPP Obrigheim to the on-site interim storage facility at the Neckar­westheim nuclear power plant (convoy arriving in Neckarwestheim)


Com­bined road and inland waterway trans­por­tation of spent fuel assem­blies in CASTOR® type 440/84 mvK casks from NPP Obrigheim to the on-site interim storage facility at the Neckar­westheim nuclear power plant (Loading the LD40 lighter)


Road transport with HAW vitrified waste canisters in CASTOR® HAW28M (entering interim storage facility in Gorleben)


Final “Special CASTOR train” with HAW vitrified waste canisters in CASTOR® HAW28M casks on the way to the interim storage facility in Gor­leben – re-forming the train in Neunkirchen


”Special CASTOR train” with HAW vitrified waste canisters in CASTOR® HAW28M casks on the way to the interim storage facility in Gorleben


Final Special CASTOR train” with HAW vitrified waste canisters in CASTOR® HAW28M casks on the way to the interim storage facility in Gor­leben – re-forming the train in Neunkirchen


Trans­por­tation of HAW vitrified waste canisters in CASTOR® HAW20/28CG casks from VEK Karlsruhe to EWN interim storage facility (here: swit­ching ope­ra­tions in the ZLN)


Arrival of rail transport of irra­diated KNK fuel assem­blies in CASTOR® type KNK casks at EWN interim storage facility in Lubmin


Com­bined trans­por­tation of irra­diated KNK fuel assem­blies in CASTOR KNK casks from CEA Cadarache (F) to EWN interim storage facility in Lubmin


Com­bined trans­por­tation of ANF non-irra­­diated fuel assem­blies in type FCC3 casks from Lingen to NPP Fes­senheim (EDF)


With con­tinual pro­cessing till today; Vali­dation of NCS 45 cask for trans­por­tation of irra­diated fuel assem­blies and non-fissile radio­active material


Road trans­por­tation of vitrified high active waste (HAW) canisters in CASTOR® HAW 20/28CG casks from Dan­nenberg East to the interim storage facility in Gorleben


Trans­por­tation of fuel assembly water channels in MOSAIK 80T casks from NPP Isar to Karlsruhe Research Center (KIT)


Road trans­por­tation of EXCELLOX 6 spent fuel assem­blies casks from NPP Neckar to the trans-shipment point in Walheim


Longest rail trans­por­tation of spent fuel assem­blies from 6 nuclear power plants in 16 flasks to the repro­cessing plants in La Hague and Sellafield


Elec­­tri­­cally-powered “special CASTOR train” with HAW in type CASTOR® HAW 20/28CG casks on the way to the interim storage facility in Gorleben


Rail trans­por­tation of TN 13/2 spent fuel casks from Gra­fen­rheinfeld to the COGEMA repro­cessing plant


”Special “CASTOR train” with HAW in type CASTOR® HAW 20/28CG casks on the way to the interim storage facility in Gorleben


Pre­pa­ration of the “CASTOR” HAW special train from France to the interim storage facility in Gorleben


First-time-ever trans­por­tation of heavy duty tractor units for onward trans­por­tation by road to the interim storage facility in Gor­leben, on “Rolling Highway” (ROLA) low-floor railcars


Trans­por­tation of heavy duty trailers by special train to Dan­nenberg Ost for onward trans­por­tation by road to interim storage in Gorleben


Trans­por­tation of CASTOR IIa spent fuel assembly casks by special train from Phil­ippsburg to Gorleben