Orano NCS
Orano NCS



NCS 45

NCS 45

The NCS 45 cask is designed and manu­fac­tured for the trans­por­tation of irra­diated fuel assem­blies, fuel rods, fuel rod seg­ments, encap­su­lated pellets and non-fissile radio­active material. 

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Shielding holder Am BE Source

Shielding holder Am BE Source

Shielding con­tainer. For the French CEA, a shielding con­tainer for an ame­ricium beryllium source had to be deve­loped and manu­fac­tured within a few months.

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The DN30 is a tech­ni­cally improved alter­native to existing con­cepts and will become a main com­ponent of worldwide UF6 trans­por­tation in the next few years.

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Safety and transport vehicles

BGF2 Land­cruiser 100

BGF2 Land­cruiser 100

BGF-2 L: 4,890 mm | W: 1,940 mm | H: 2,200 mm | Tare weight 3,420 kg
BGF-3 L: 5,000 mm | W: 1,950 mm | H: 2,100 mm | Tare weight 3,530 kg

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Multi-Purpose Trailers