Radiation Pro­tection Services

Nov 20, 2019 | News

Orano NCS GmbH will allow the nuclear industry to benefit from the expe­rience and know-how gained in over 30 years of national and inter­na­tional pro­jects and will expand their service port­folio by a further sector from 2020.

decided on the Radiation Pro­tection Engi­neering Ser­vices sector. The high demand for skilled per­sonnel does not stop at the. Due to the advancing pro­gress in the dis­mantling of nuclear faci­lities and against a back­ground of con­di­tioning for final dis­posal, this demand will ste­adily increase over the next few years.

The port­folio of the “Radiation Pro­tection Ser­vices” business unit includes amongst other things the fol­lowing areas: dis­mantling planning, espe­cially in the logi­stics and decla­ra­tions field, spec­tro­metry in con­junction with our service pro­vider Orano NCS in France, radiation pro­tection ins­truc­tions and ope­rating manuals, shielding cal­cu­la­tions, further edu­cation and training courses as well as tailor-made ser­vices for our cus­tomers’ pro­jects. The topics listed will be expanded and deve­loped further over the next few years.

Are you curious and/or do you need ours support for your tasks and projects?
Are you a spe­cialist and looking for new chal­lenges in chal­lenging working environment?
Then please get in touch with our “Radiation Pro­tection Ser­vices” business unit using the fol­lowing contact details.

Sascha Thull
Tel.: +49 (0) 6181 501 236
Mobile: +49 (0) 151 53818 236

Human Resource Management
Tel. : +49 (0) 6181 501 – Ext. 258 or 250
