Transport of plu­tonium con­taining material

Oct 25, 2022 | Pro­jects

Transport of plu­tonium con­taining material from IAEA labo­ratory Seibersdorf/ Austria for EDLOW Inter­na­tional Co.

In December 2021 Orano NCS GmbH was able to execute suc­cessfully an SK III (FS) transport of two con­tainers with plu­tonium-con­taining material from the IAEA labo­ratory in Seibersdorf/Austria via Germany to the port of Antwerp in Belgium by truck.

The project started with pro­cessing of our customer’s inquiries and exami­nation of dif­ferent transport pos­si­bi­lities with long-standing partners of Orano NCS GmbH.

During the internal pre-planning of the transport, the most reasonable solution for the cus­tomer could be worked out and pro­cessed in a detailed transport offer.

Par­allel to this process, under the lea­dership of Orano NCS GmbH, German reco­gnition for the 9975 type B(M)F con­tainer was applied at the Federal Office for Nuclear Waste Dis­posal Safety (BASE).

Reco­gnition of the pack­aging in Germany was obtained in Sep­tember 2021 as the basis for app­lying the transport permit in Germany.

The appli­cation for transport permits for transit countries as Austria, Germany and Belgium was suc­cessfully managed by Orano NCS GmbH.

Due to the clas­si­fi­cation of the material as SK III (FS), the special regu­la­tions for the phy­sical pro­tection of the material had to be observed and their imple­men­tation had to be orga­nized by the police and the carrier.

For Germany, the phy­sical pro­tection of the material was ensured by Orano NCS GmbH per­sonnel and the company’s own escort vehicles, among others.

​Before the start of the transport, end of November 2021, the con­tainers were stowed sea­worthy in a 20′ con­tainer by Orano NCS GmbH and our subcontractor.

Sub­se­quently, under the gui­dance of Orano NCS GmbH per­sonnel, the accom­panying docu­ments could be com­pleted and the transport could start its way via Germany and Belgium to the port of Antwerp.

In Antwerp the con­tainer was loaded onto an ocean-going vessel and trans­ported to USA.

The transport including all escorts as well as the appli­cation for the con­tainer reco­gnition and the transport permit could be carried out to the com­plete satis­faction of the customer.