
Oct 25, 2019


The trans­por­tation of enriched uranium hexa­fluoride (UF6) is essential for the nuclear fuel cycle. 

The 30B cylinders used worldwide for this purpose are loaded during trans­por­tation outside nuclear faci­lities in so-called over­packs, which offer pro­tection against mecha­nical and thermal impacts due to pos­sible acci­dents during transportation.

The DN30 is a further tech­nical deve­lo­pment of the over­packs that are used at the moment, which have already been in use for several decades. 

In addition to improved handling and increased safety, the DN30 is also par­ti­cu­larly sui­table for the trans­por­tation of UF6 from reprocessing. 

The deve­lo­pment of the DN30 began back in 2008.
In the course of the approval pro­cedure, the safety of the design was proven not only by ela­borate com­pu­ta­tional ana­lyses but also by expe­ri­mental drop and fire tests with scale 1 prototypes.

Num­erous patents protect the design of the type AF, IF or B(U)F trans­por­tation casks, which were approved by the French aut­hority ASN as of December 2018.

A US cer­ti­ficate of com­pliance of the NRC is also available since July 2019 allowing US domestic trans­por­tation of UF6.
The new DN30 overpack is thus a tech­ni­cally improved alter­native to existing con­cepts and will become a main com­ponent of worldwide UF6 trans­por­tation in the next few years.

The new DN30 overpack is thus a tech­ni­cally improved alter­native to existing con­cepts and will become a main com­ponent of worldwide UF6 trans­por­tation in the next few years.

Vali­da­tions of the French ori­ginal cer­ti­ficate are already available for several countries, vali­dation pro­ce­dures in other countries are short before com­pletion. Manu­fac­turing of several hundred series pack­a­gings has started and the first units were deli­vered to the cus­tomer in Sep­tember 2019.